Remove grease, black mould, slime and gunge inside washing machine.We use 40° washes almost always because of biological detergents and it doesn't work well at lower temperatures because bugs and their eggs are able to survive in my washing machine after washing at lower temperatures. What would you expect If you were washing greasy plates in a plastic washing up bowl with the water at 40°. You would expect the plates to come out clean but when emptying the bowl there are greasy. To clean greasy coating you need higher temperatures.
How to clean grease, slime and gunge inside your washing machine? Washing machine manufacturers and washing machine service mans recommend cleaning wash once a month. Washing machine manufactures have decided to advice cleaning instructions in their instruction books. This is particularly important if you, like me, mostly use low temperature washes and use washing machine detergent without bleach. A service wash involves putting the washing machine on at 95° with only the detergent inside and no laundry. I particularly recommend to use a washing machine detergent that does contain bleach for service wash (color-friendly washing detergent doesn't contains bleach). If you normally use a washing machine detergent that doesn't contain bleach components, buy some detergent that does, and use it for your maintenance washes. This will help kill off bacteria and prevent grease, slime and gunge inside washing machine. One more idea is to use crystals of soda which are well-known like dissolving grease. Put the washing machine on with no clothes in on a hot wash 95°-70°.
Washing machine smells. Grease, slime and gunge can cause smells. Smells in washing machines can also be caused by substances received in chemical process of washing or plumbing without a U-bend water trap. To get rid of unpleasant smell of rotten rubber smell that remain even after one or two service washes, pour a 250 ml of distilled vinegar into the soap dispenser drawer while it is filling up on a hot wash. Don't put any washing in, just let to your washing machine go through the full cycle. Repeat if necessary.
Why occurrence black mould in washing machines? Black mould grows on door seal and in soap dispenser of washing machines. Black mould spread it's spores all around your washing machine which cause dangerous allergies. Black mould spreads out in warm moist places. Washing at low temperature, using washing machine detergent without bleach helps to black mould successfully spread out. To get rid of black mould put the washing machine on a monthly boil wash using detergent with bleach.